How Satan Holds People Captive Through Immoral Living

Must Know Bible Basics

Satan is the author of immorality; therefore, it’s one of the most powerful weapons he has been using all throughout the history of mankind in order to rule over men by holding them captive. Immorality is also one of his greatest strengths in controlling people’s lives. In fact, people who are living immoral lives have no capability at all […]

Living For God Alone In A Corrupt World

Must Know Bible Basics

We are living in a decaying world that’s getting worse and worse as the end approaches. Interestingly, many falsely believe by coming with certain global initiatives they can somehow solve the problems of this world all on their own while ignoring the its greatest problem which is sin.

10 Ideal Ways To Respond To Your Sinful Voice

Must Know Bible Basics

Our mind is known as an open battlefield. As a result, it’s the very thing that we have to place a great of emphasis on with respect to spiritual warfare due to the fact that how we deal with it will decide whether we’ll fall into the trap of the enemy or not. In fact, […]

The Relationship Between Spirit, Soul, And Body

Must Know Bible Basics

As human beings, we are made of three vital elements. These three elements are known as spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Man has two major aspects that define whom he really is. The first one is the spiritual or immaterial aspect, and the second one is the physical or material aspect. Two out of those three […]

The Fall Of Lucifer In Perspective

Must Know Bible Basics

It’s mind-numbing to even consider that Lucifer actually believed that it was possible for him as a created being to dethrone the Creator while his entire existence was totally dependent on the Creator. He didn’t ask to be created, but God the Creator in His sovereign will has chosen to bring him into existence. So his existence was nothing […]