Liberty In Christ Does Not Mean License

Must Know Bible Basics

One of the greatest blessings that comes from being a Christian is that God saves us simply because He is good and offers us salvation as a gift that does not require any conditions to receive except our willingness to take it. Isn’t that wonderful? Doesn’t that prove God is a loving God? God does not only […]

Jesus Christ’s Death Sets Us Free From Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

It’s very important to realize there is a strong reason that Jesus had to leave His throne in heaven in order to come down to this earth, which is corrupted up to the core by all types of inconceivable sins and wickedness of depraved men. Besides, there is also a good reason that He lived […]

Sin Destroys Man’s Dependence On God

Must Know Bible Basics

After the fall of Adam and Eve, the human race find themselves in a huge mess dealing with the massive implications that come along with that particular disobedience. When Adam and Eve were brought into this world, they were sinless before God, which means that they were perfect in every way. In fact, they had […]