Our Hope In The Living God

Must Know Bible Basics

The hope that we have in God is based completely on the wonderful promises that He has made us through His written Word which is truth (John 17:17). These promises are exactly what encourage us, sustain us, renew our faith, help us, carry us, and motivate us to persevere in every situation irrespective of what the […]

What Does It Mean To Be Dead Spiritually?

Must Know Bible Basics

Life and death have been very common all throughout humankind’s history. In fact, life and death are a process of nature that we’re all a product of from the beginning and will eventually have to go through when we cease to exist. Our life starts at one point during conception and will end at some point when […]

The Relationship Between Spirit, Soul, And Body

Must Know Bible Basics

As human beings, we are made of three vital elements. These three elements are known as spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Man has two major aspects that define whom he really is. The first one is the spiritual or immaterial aspect, and the second one is the physical or material aspect. Two out of those three […]