But As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The LORD

Must Know Bible Basics

(Joshua 24:15) can be classified as one of the most decisive and powerful verses in the Word of God regarding whom we’re to choose to serve. It’s a choice that we must make ourselves; and there’s no middle ground either. First of all, we’re made by God Almighty to serve Him alone by committing our […]

We Must Not Abuse The Grace Of God

Must Know Bible Basics

Grace is defined as unmerited or undeserved favor. In order for grace to be able to make sense by itself, the recipient must have been in dire need of it. The truth is that grace has totally nothing to do with the one who receives it in the sense of that person’s merit. Instead, it’s […]

Jesus Wants To Transform You To Be Like Him

Must Know Bible Basics

“The Revelation of St. John the Divine” (Title to the book of Revelation). We are often used to referring to books of the bible by the name of the book rather than its full title. For example, we will say “I read from the book of John today for my devotion,” rather than saying “I read […]

God Wants Us To Be Responsible

Must Know Bible Basics

We as humans are made to serve our Maker by obediently carrying out whatever task He has entrusted us with. Serving implies responsibility, so that’s where our responsibility to God comes heavily into play. The core foundation of how God operates is laid upon responsibility with respect to His creation who have the ability to […]

The Relationship Between Spirit, Soul, And Body

Must Know Bible Basics

As human beings, we are made of three vital elements. These three elements are known as spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Man has two major aspects that define whom he really is. The first one is the spiritual or immaterial aspect, and the second one is the physical or material aspect. Two out of those three […]

How To Be A Mighty Businessperson In The Sight Of God

Must Know Bible Basics

As followers of Christ; in other words, as imitators of Christ, everything we’re doing on this earth must be done in such a fashion that pleases and glorifies the God whom we’re serving. Our foremost objective as Christians is to glorify Him in everything we’re doing (1 Corinthians 10:31) by allowing Him to be preeminent. We […]