Christ As The Only Way To God Showcases His Divinity

Must Know Bible Basics

Since the person of Jesus Christ was revealed to mankind 2,000 years ago, there have been lot of deception, confusion, animosity, and hostility against Him at all times, particularly in the area of whom He really is. The growing hostility against Him started shorty after His birth by king Herod up to this point. Satan has […]

The Biblical Characteristics Of Love

Must Know Bible Basics

Within the Word of God, there’s a form of love that extends far beyond the scope of romantic love or sexual love, and close friendship or brotherly love. This love is known by the Greek term as “Agape”. God is the only One who possesses this kind of love due to the fact that He’s love […]

The 7 Major Pillars Of The Lord’s Prayer

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During Christ’s earthly ministries, He did so many marvelous things. It’s stated by (John 21:25) that no book could have been big enough to contain all the signs, wonders, and miraculous operations, which were performed by Him. He preached to large number of individuals and was the most eloquent, the best, the most dynamic, and […]

A Holy And Righteous Life Is Satan’s Greatest Bottleneck

Must Know Bible Basics

As followers of Christ, we’re called by God Almighty to lead holy and righteous lives for His own glory (1 Thessalonians 4:7). A holy and righteous life is a form of life that epitomizes the very nature and character of God Himself (1 Peter 1:15; Psalms 145:17). By His divine power, He has given us everything we […]

The Greatness Of Our God

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The greatness of God is a divine attribute that is so immense to the extent that we don’t possess the ability to fully express or wrap our minds around His infinite greatness as finite being. So His greatness far exceeds our own intelligence, wisdom, understanding, and words that are very limited by nature. 

The Greatness Of God Revealed Through Man

Must Know Bible Basics

The life of man is a huge mystery of God. Many find themselves living while having no idea where their lives came from. They are taking for granted daily the very God-given resources that sustain their lives without acknowledging how great their Creator is. Many try to come up with theory such as evolution in order […]

The Proper Ways To Respond To The Greatness Of God

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No matter how great God is, if we don’t know Him personally through an intimate relationship and experience His power and glory in our lives, His greatness would not mean that much to us at all. By the way, His greatness can only be as relevant to us to the extent that we allow Him […]

The Fall Of Lucifer In Perspective

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It’s mind-numbing to even consider that Lucifer actually believed that it was possible for him as a created being to dethrone the Creator while his entire existence was totally dependent on the Creator. He didn’t ask to be created, but God the Creator in His sovereign will has chosen to bring him into existence. So his existence was nothing […]

The Reestablishment Of The Kingdom Of God Through Jesus

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It’s quite notable that the Kingdom of God located in the heavenly realm is something that Jesus had a lot to say about during His earthly ministries. He came primarily to reveal it to humanity who was lost in their sins under the pervasive dominion of the kingdom of darkness. The core foundation of His […]