Deception Is By Far The Greatest Tool Of Satan

Must Know Bible Basics

It’s important for everyone to come to the realization that there is no hope for Satan, along with his demons after they were kicked out of heaven by God. He’s nothing more than a loser running around desperately in order to deceive as many people as he can. However, as humans, we have the awesome […]

Christ Has Made Us Become Righteous Before God

Must Know Bible Basics

At some point throughout mankind’s history God has given the law through His servant Moses, and it was a law that regulated every aspect of Jewish life. The initial purpose of the law was to show men how sinful they were in the sight of a holy and perfect God. The importance of the law had […]

What Does It Mean To Be Dead Spiritually?

Must Know Bible Basics

Life and death have been very common all throughout humankind’s history. In fact, life and death are a process of nature that we’re all a product of from the beginning and will eventually have to go through when we cease to exist. Our life starts at one point during conception and will end at some point when […]

Jesus Christ’s Death Sets Us Free From Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

It’s very important to realize there is a strong reason that Jesus had to leave His throne in heaven in order to come down to this earth, which is corrupted up to the core by all types of inconceivable sins and wickedness of depraved men. Besides, there is also a good reason that He lived […]

How Having Faith In God Actually Works

Must Know Bible Basics

Faith is such a critical element in the Christian life from the beginning all the way to the end. Faith in God is something that every believer in Christ has to work upon constantly due to our fallen nature, which predisposes us to certain negative feelings that can potentially hinder us from exercising the kind […]

How To Better Deal With Temptation

Must Know Bible Basics

All throughout scripture one of the major issues that God is telling us to be highly aware of is temptation. It’s something that we have to take very seriously because our choices when it comes right down to our responses to temptation will determine whether we’ll allow God to be in control of our lives […]

The Awesome Power Of The Blood Of Jesus

Must Know Bible Basics

The blood of Jesus has always been one of the major cornerstones of Christianity. As Christians, we’ll never be able to fully comprehend with our finite mind the eternal value of that blood that was shed on our behalf. It’s mind blowing when thinking about the kind of unmerited privileges that we’re enjoying in Christ. […]

What Does It Really Mean To Live For Christ Alone?

Must Know Bible Basics

We don’t become Christian in order to just identify ourselves only with that title while still unwilling to detach ourselves completely from our old selves, our old ways, and this wicked world. The Christian life is not based on what we want to do according to our own human ways. In order words, living in […]

Why Unbelief Devastates God’s Heart

Must Know Bible Basics

The Word of God is a physical extension of God Himself given to us. The Bible is not merely a book loaded with doctrines and facts, but the very element that gives us direct access to divine truth or eternal truth. It’s also the very element that establishes a connection between God and us. Keep in mind, everything […]

Let’s Confront Temptation Just As Christ Did

Must Know Bible Basics

As believer in Christ we can never underestimate the potential danger of temptation, even though it’s not actually a sin by itself. Nevertheless, it’s the greatest challenges that we have to deal with on a regular basis all throughout our walk with our Lord because it literally begins the process of sin.