Let All That You Do Be Done In Love

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Love is one of the utmost themes recorded in the Word of God. Christ has commanded us to love each other in the same manner that He has loved us according to (John 15:12). God is in fact the source of love; in other words, He’s love by nature (1 John 4:8). Furthermore, He has shared with us that remarkable love through His only begotten Son Christ Jesus. And He demands us to share that same type of love which is flowing through us to others, so that they may see that we are of Him and know Him.

Love is defined as a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love is such a powerful, profound, and useful feeling in a wide host of ways. And love should be the very substance that binds us together as followers of Christ. Humanly speaking, love tends to be expressed conditionally. Meaning that we simply love those who love us, those who are related to us, along with those who have treated us well.

That’s kind of love is very superficial by nature because it doesn’t really compel us to make any type of sacrifices to go beyond the very impediment that may keep us from expressing it in such a way that reflects God’s love. Conversely, the love of God is both unconditional and sacrificial. He demands us to love others in like manner.

When taking into account the things that God has done for us, He didn’t move on our behalf because we were worthy in His sight. It was all because of His grace bestowed upon us in connection to His unconditional love for us. We didn’t deserve His love, but He has loved us anyway. As wretched we are as humans, we don’t have the capacity to produce the kind of love that God desires us to express aside from Him.

All we truly have to do is to allow ourselves to become a vessel through which God can carry out His works in order to empower us to overcome the barriers that can keep us from loving others as He wants us to do so. That love should be expressed on the basis of how we deal with others. And love must take the place of indifference in that regard.

Bear in mind, there are a wide variety of things we’re doing on behalf of others as believers, we don’t do them as a result of an urge we feel based on our own human feelings toward these people. Instead, we do them because of our love for God that can only be expressed through obedience (John 14:15). Love deals with the attitude of the heart, so we’re told to ensure that everything that we do should be done in love according to this Scripture verse below. 

Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:14).

True love goes beyond just word along with the intense feeling of affection that we may have toward a particular person. Love is sacrificial by nature, so it’s not limited to just word and feeling. Love pertains to being willing to take both sacrificial and helpful action on behalf of someone whom we say that we love. 

Many times these individuals we’re trying to help through our willingness to share the truth lovingly with them may not even realize it as a result of being hardened by sinful living. So love must be the main factor that impels us to help others. Love must be expressed in a selfless fashion, which means that it must be all about the person involved in relation to what God says in His Word. When we behave in such way, God is well pleased by that.


After reading that post, it’s of great importance that we do a self-examination by asking ourselves that question do we really love others as Christ has commanded us to do so? There’s no doubt about the fact that everyone has come short in that regard. The good news is that we can take the matter in hand by letting the Spirit of God to dismantle the very barriers that may serve as impediment when it comes down to loving others both unconditionally and sacrificially.

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