Every Word Of God Is Pure

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God is the source of all truth, purity, holiness, and perfection. So His Word is a direct reflection of whom He is along with how He operates. The Word is the very means through which God reveals Himself, and His ways to mankind. The Word is what gives us some clear insights regarding what’s happening in the unseen world. And it tells us in great details how the world we’re living in came into being by the Word that came out of His mouth. The Word encompasses the visible world, the invisible world, and eternity. So we’re connected to God who dwells in the unseen realm on the basis of the truth found in His Word. His Word is also the very substance that holds every aspect of our lives steady.

Having said that, God has placed a great deal of emphasis on the trustworthiness, significance, and infallibility of His Word. He executes His sovereign will and purpose according to what’s written within His Word. The Word is an extension of Himself given to us. Even God subjects Himself to the authority of His Word since He’ll never do anything that goes against it.

Bear in mind, how we treat the Word is precisely how we treat God Himself. How obedient we are to His Word is exactly how much we invite Him to work through us. Since God carries out His will based on what His Word says, it’s worthwhile that we spend some time meditating on this Scripture verse below as part of our devotion today.

Every Word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him (Proverbs 30:5).

One major thing that God is asking us to do consistently all throughout His Word is to trust Him above all. By trusting Him we allow Him to hold and guide us with His mighty hand. What truly makes our joy as children of God is the fact there’s someone whom we can rely on no matter how bad things get. He’s a shield to those who trust Him in the sense that He’ll protect them from the lies and deceptions of the enemy. He’ll provide them protection to every aspect of their lives. So their trust in Him will never be in vain.

Even if something bad occurs which might potentially prompt us to start questioning why God allows such tragedy to strike, we can still find great comfort in knowing that He’s in control, and He wasn’t caught off guard either. That leads us to believe there’s a reason a tragedy is allowed to run its full course in our lives along with in the lives of our loved ones. In all honesty, there are certain tragedies that transpire, they literally shake up our whole belief about God in a big way. In most cases, we’ll never be able to comprehend why God has allowed them to occur in the first place. 

Practical Application

Trusting God means letting go of the very things that are troubling to us, the very things we have no control over, along with the very things that we cannot understand that have the potential to become an impediment by relying on the trustworthiness of His Word. When we do that His peace will guide our hearts and minds as we live in Christ (Philippians 4:7). Of course, it will take time to overcome such a horrific tragedy.

But when we allow bad circumstances to dominate our lives by defining whom we are, it will do nothing more than weakening our faith in God. It may not make sense to us in this life, but one day it’ll make perfect sense. Lastly, trusting Him is to have a firm assurance that God as a loving and caring Father always has our best interests at heart, even when it doesn’t feel that way. So even in the midst of tragedy, God is still a shield to those who trust Him in the context of providing comfort, strength, peace, and sustenance.

Today Prayer

Dear heavenly Father, it’s such an awesome privilege that we have Your Word characterized by purity that we can rely on, and someone who can serve us as a shield. We pray that you enable us to embrace Your Word as You’d like us to do so. We pray that you enable us to rely on Your Word as You’d like us to do so. Lastly, we also pray that You release Your infinite power in our lives, so that we can become stronger, more faithful, more reliant, and more mature in You. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

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