Parental Control Software For Christians

Must Know Bible Basics /

 We’re living in an era where children are being exposed to inappropriate content over the internet more than ever before. And it’s only going to get worse and worse.

The technological devices, such as smartphones, computers, and tablets out there are great tools that can be very useful in so many ways, but at the same time they can be destructive. There are so many people using them to spread all types of inappropriate content all over the internet.

The enemy is making great inroads in the lives of many through these contents.

In their ignorance and rebellion against God, these individuals are being used unknowingly by the enemy in order to bring defilement into the mind of people.

As a result, young children have become potential victims of these evil schemes.

How Your Kids Can Easily Get Accessed To Porn

First, when it comes to the major Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, there’s a good side and a bad side.

The good side is that they are fantastic tools that can be used to make great searches on the internet. There’s no doubt about that.

However, the bad side is that porn has become more accessible than it has ever been due to the fact that these Search Engines have indexed every porn site they can get their hands on.

They have millions of porn sites in their index.

They’ve tried to integrate filters that can filter out adult contents, but it’s just not enough to deal with the massive influx of porn sites.

Things have really gotten out of hand.

Therefore, just any of these sites can be triggered by a search.

The reality is those in the porn industry don’t really care about the toxic impact their activities are having on so many. It’s all about the money.

They pretend that they want to protect minors from porn by incorporating a warning like this below at the frontpage of their sites which tells them to close the page if they’re under 18.

Do you think that can stop kids from viewing porn?

The problem is that alone cannot stop minors from accessing porn sites since humans are curious beings by nature.

Curiousity will compel them to want to see what is on the other side. They will try to get in. And there’s nothing that can stop them from doing so. That decision is left up to them.

They will get that warning only when trying to get in at the homepage, such as our site “Living For Jesus Alone“.

But if they try to get in through other pages like this page “Parental Control Software For Christianswhich have already been indexed by either one of these search engines, they will get no warning.

Even worse, the vast majority of porn sites don’t have that warning. They are pretty much open sites.

As part of your responsibility in raising Godly children, having a parental control software is something worth to consider.

Kids First Encounter With Porn

Most kids are exposed to porn before reaching puberty. Therefore, it can happen as early as 5 years old.

Their first encounter with porn is a very uncomfortable and unpleasant experience due to the fact that there are certain things that weren’t meant to be seen.

Most likely, it will be an unexpected experience.

Their innocent mind hasn’t corrupted yet enough which would have allowed their brain to process these graphic materials like a fully grown individual.

That’s why they might feel violated mentally.

Additionally, since porn taps into people’s sexual drive, they aren’t old enough in order for porn to start unleashing their sexual drive which will develop when reaching puberty.

In this stage, their minds aren’t that receptive.

Will porn have an impact on them in this stage of life? Of course, it will.

Many porn addicts who were first exposed to porn when they were just a kid continued their actvity after that initial experience.

But at some point during puberty, drastic changes will have occured in the body, porn will start unleashing its toxic impact on their mind.

Here’s a power parental control software that I would strongly recommend you to use in order to protect your kids from porn and online predators.

Net Nanny Is One Of The Most Effective And Flexible Internet Filtering Software Available

They’ve been helping parents protect their households from innapropriate content by using intelligent filtering by making use of machine learning along with Artificial Intellignet, not stale whitelists and blaclists.

Net Nanny checks each web page you visit, in real time, and will allow, warn, or block a webpage based on the user’s preferences. Net Nanny’s monitoring features are pre-set and can be changed to suit the unique needs of each member of the family. They have the flexibility to determine the type of content you feel is appropriate for each Net Nanny user.

Net Nanny empowers the user to decide what type of content is appropriate for everyone, giving them complete visibility and control over their child’s online activity.

  • Parental Controls
  • Screen Time Management
  • Website Blocker
  • Block Apps
  • Track Location
  • Internet Filter
  • Block Pornography
  • Alerts and Reporting
  • Family Feed
  • Parent Dashboard

Even if something was invented with a great intent to make life’s easier, that tool will eventually be used to perpetuate evil.

Their mind wasn’t prepared to view those type of materials.

How kids can end up viewing porn

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