Our Old Version Of Ourselves Must Be Put To Death

Must Know Bible Basics

Living for Christ is an ongoing process that requires anything that pertains to our carnal nature to be left out completely. We can say that everything that had put us in the extremely unpleasant condition we once had been before God, which ultimately led Christ to come and die for us has to be abandoned completely […]

How To Deal With Sin Wisely

Must Know Bible Basics

Sin is undoubtedly a serious problem that we as believers in Christ have to confront on an ongoing basis in order to maintain our relationship and our walk with the Lord. The truth is that nobody can have a genuine relationship with God while living a sinful life. Our relationship and fellowship with God is rested […]

Only Jesus Christ Can Fill Us Up

Must Know Bible Basics

God has made us for the sole purpose of totally depending on Him, serving Him, having an intimate relationship with Him, doing His will, and lastly for His own glory. Our entire physical being is consisted of a non-life material called the dust of the ground. As mentioned in this post, what you really have […]

How Christ Can Be Rejected

Must Know Bible Basics

Well, if we sincerely take the Word of God at face value, we can clearly see that our persistent willingness to obey and follow thoroughly God’s commandments is extremely important. Besides, there are unimaginable rewards that await those who do God’s will, and eternal punishment that will eventually befall those who live their lives in […]

Let Us Surrender Everything To Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

Prior to being saved, we were living a lifestyle where anything goes. As a result, we didn’t care about the fact that Christ came and laid down His life on behalf of humanity in order to offer them both forgiveness and salvation. We were so blinded to the extent that where we were going to […]

The Type Of Unwavering Faith That Pleases God

Must Know Bible Basics

As significant faith is in the life of a believer in Christ, its usefulness and significance are based on the trustworthiness of its source. In fact, anybody has the capability of exercising faith in a wide host of things. Surprisingly, faith is something that’s being exercised daily either consciously or unconsciously by many individuals whether they […]

Without Jesus Christ There Is No Hope For Mankind

Must Know Bible Basics

As people who are made in the image of the Almighty God are made to be dependent on Him through a genuine relationship. Sadly, it’s not the case at all for many due to men’s fallen nature, and how they normally choose to live their lives. Despite many have been exposed to the message of the […]

Christ Has Promised His Disciples Another Advocate

Must Know Bible Basics

2,000 years ago, Christ came down to this earth with a very important mission. It’s such a decisive mission that the future and hope of humanity would be determined by it. Christ’s ultimate purpose was to reconcile mankind back to God by abolishing that unbridgeable gap that had long existed between both God and mankind […]