The Best Ways To Learn How To Trust God

Must Know Bible Basics

Living for God implies having an intimate relationship with Him through Christ. In fact, that’s the foremost reason that we’re made for unlike other creations. Having said that, trust is the essence of relationship. The point is that there cannot be any relationship without at least some level of trust. But, the matter gets really complicated with respect […]

10 Ideal Ways To Respond To Your Sinful Voice

Must Know Bible Basics

Our mind is known as an open battlefield. As a result, it’s the very thing that we have to place a great of emphasis on with respect to spiritual warfare due to the fact that how we deal with it will decide whether we’ll fall into the trap of the enemy or not. In fact, […]

Every Word Of God Is Pure

Must Know Bible Basics

God is the source of all truth, purity, holiness, and perfection. So His Word is a direct reflection of whom He is along with how He operates. The Word is the very means through which God reveals Himself, and His ways to mankind. The Word is what gives us some clear insights regarding what’s happening […]

Why Christ Had To Rise Again

Must Know Bible Basics

Christ’s death is one the major events that took place during the history of humanity that’s often talked about a lot because of its overwhelming importance, especially in the Christians circles. While there’s no word that can express fully how important Christ’s death is, but His resurrection is far more important than His death.

This Is The Day The Lord Has Made

Must Know Bible Basics

Chapter 118th of the book of Psalms is a magnificent chapter showcasing God’s love, faithfulness, rescuing power, and providence. In this chapter the author has acknowledged God as his helper, refuge, protector, strength, salvation, and his source of victory over his enemies.

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love

Must Know Bible Basics

Love is one of the utmost themes recorded in the Word of God. Christ has commanded us to love each other in the same manner that He has loved us according to (John 15:12). God is in fact the source of love; in other words, He’s love by nature (1 John 4:8). Furthermore, He has shared […]

How To Pray To God

Must Know Bible Basics

Prayer is an integral part of the Christian faith. It’s something that we must set aside quality amount of time for it. Prayer is us talking to God concerning our needs, wants, or anything that we’re struggling with that’s beyond our control. If God demands us to do something, it’s because it’s of great importance. […]

If Anyone Is In Christ He Is A New Creation

Must Know Bible Basics

(2 Corinthians 5:17) is the most powerful and summarizing verse out of the Word of God that refers to the total transformation that must occur when someone is in Christ. This life-changing transformation is so critical due the fact that it’s exactly what will prove that a person is truly in Christ.