Great Strength Comes From Faith In God

Must Know Bible Basics

The 12th chapter out of the book Zechariah relates to the end of this wicked world system. As prophesied in the bible, animosity and hostility toward the Jewish people will escalate to an all time high to the extent her enemies will all gather against her. They’ll try to bring utter destruction on her; however, […]

How To Successfully Live A Spirit Filled Life

Must Know Bible Basics

According to the Word of God, there are just two ways that men can live their lives. They can either live according to the flesh by following their own carnal nature, or live according to the Spirit of God by putting under control the insatiable desires of the flesh. In fact, the unregenerate person is very sensitive […]

Why Does Satan Hate Humanity So Much?

Must Know Bible Basics

Shortly after Lucifer, along with one-third of the angelic hosts were kicked out of heaven because of rebellion, something quite unusual took place at that very moment. Their expulsion from heaven simply means a harsh rejection from God due to their arrogance and pride. Since they were rejected by God, their holiness, perfection, as well as […]

Keeping Your Faith High In The Midst Of Bad Times

Must Know Bible Basics

Have you ever felt like when going through life’s trials that you’ve been abandoned completely by God? Have you ever felt like there’s a huge wall erected between God and you in the context of Him not seem to be able to listen to your prayer requests? Have you ever felt like you’re struggling all […]

How To Exercise Faith In God

Must Know Bible Basics

The Word of God defines faith in (Hebrews 11:1) as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. In that case, what really serves us as evidence is the promises that God has made all throughout His written Word. In fact, it’s true that we have never seen God, nor have […]

But As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The LORD

Must Know Bible Basics

(Joshua 24:15) can be classified as one of the most decisive and powerful verses in the Word of God regarding whom we’re to choose to serve. It’s a choice that we must make ourselves; and there’s no middle ground either. First of all, we’re made by God Almighty to serve Him alone by committing our […]

We Must Not Abuse The Grace Of God

Must Know Bible Basics

Grace is defined as unmerited or undeserved favor. In order for grace to be able to make sense by itself, the recipient must have been in dire need of it. The truth is that grace has totally nothing to do with the one who receives it in the sense of that person’s merit. Instead, it’s […]