Stop Being Deceived By The Enemy Through Temptation

Must Know Bible Basics

From a biblical standpoint, temptation is based entirely on lies and deceptions of Satan. It’s something intended primarily to twist our viewpoints, our emotions, along with our feelings regarding things that are way off limit irrespective of how abhorrent they are to God. Although, temptation can be quite powerful and impulsive, but it’s not sufficient […]

A Critical Call By God To Holy Living

Must Know Bible Basics

Holy living is something that must play an extremely important role in the life of every believer in Christ. Holiness is the tenet that creates a clear distinction between those who are in Christ and those who are not. It’s also a way of living that’s quite common all throughout the Bible with respect to those […]

Let’s Place Our Trust In God No Matter What Happens

Must Know Bible Basics

According to trust is defined as confidence in the honesty or integrity of a person or thing. Trust is undoubtedly a substance that’s extremely significant due to the fact that it’s connected directly to a person’s own character, reputation, integrity, reliability, along with ability. As a matter of fact, there cannot be any form of […]

The Judgement Of God Against Lawlessness

Must Know Bible Basics

We’re currently living in a society which is increasingly becoming anti-God and anti-biblical morality. The agenda is to kick God out of every aspect of society, so that people can just do whatever they want without having to deal with the warnings of judgement that will befall unrepentant sinners. So the way things are being conducted nowadays truly demonstrates how effective […]

Save Your Christian Marriage

Must Know Bible Basics

Ask Yourself These Questions Do you find yourself frustrated with your marriage, trying to make changes, only to find you are right back into the same old pattern? Do you or your spouse frequently think about getting out of the marriage? Are you and your spouse frequently engaged in an argument, often about nothing of […]

What Does It Truly Mean To Be Born Again

Must Know Bible Basics

From a biblical perspective, everyone who has come into this wicked world, came disconnected with God. That disconnection is tantamount to spiritual death. In fact, that is a direct result of the sinful nature that we’ve inherited. Keep in mind, as humans, we have two key aspects that make up our whole being: a physical aspect, […]

Be Joyful In Hope Patient In Affliction Faithful In Prayer

Must Know Bible Basics

In (Romans 12:12) Apostle Paul has given a brief summary of what the Christian walk is all about. It’s important for us to realize that Christ’s death and resurrection possess two critical aspects. The first aspect deals with the current life we have, and the second one has to do with the next life that we’ll inherit from […]