The Lord Is My Strength

Must Know Bible Basics

The book of Habakkuk is known as one of the shortest books found in the entire Word of God. This book contains only 3 chapters. That book is also classified as an oracle by the prophet Habakkuk which was written somewhere between 610 and 605 B.C. What is quite captivating about that book is the prophet’s complaints against […]

Do Not Be Anxious About Anything

Must Know Bible Basics

As humans, we have certain feelings that are very hard to get them under control since they are part of ourselves. At the same time, the Christian life we have to live cannot be lived in a victorious, peaceful, joyful, and fulfilling manner without bringing them under subjection. Keep in mind, the Christian life is […]

God Wants Us To Overcome Fear By Looking Up To Him

Must Know Bible Basics

Fear is a serious issue that lot of people are dealing with constantly. Sadly, many have allowed their lives to be gripped by that monster to the extent that it tremendously influences their whole perspective toward life, their abilities, and the future. The big issue is that fear is a potential hindrance that can literally hold people back […]

The Fall And The Rise Of Humanity

Must Know Bible Basics

God has made the human race in His own image according to the account of (Genesis 1:26). What does it mean to be made in the image of God? The first thing to remember is that God is spirit (John 4:24) while we are both physical and spiritual being. God formed man out of the […]

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

Must Know Bible Basics

When thinking deeply on this powerful verse, it plainly highlights the fact that the Christian life we’re to live is not ours but Christ’s. It’s a type of life which foundation is rested entirely on the person of Christ having His ways in us. Even if that God has promised us in His infallible Word […]

Jesus Being Comforted By An Angel In The Garden Of Gethsemane

Must Know Bible Basics

Christ spent His last moment prior to His death in the Garden of Gethsemane where He literally poured out Himself to God the Father through His most earnest prayer He had ever prayed during His earthly ministry. It was the exact time Christ was thinking profoundly concerning the intense suffering along with humiliation that had lied […]

The Best Ways To Learn How To Trust God

Must Know Bible Basics

Living for God implies having an intimate relationship with Him through Christ. In fact, that’s the foremost reason that we’re made for unlike other creations. Having said that, trust is the essence of relationship. The point is that there cannot be any relationship without at least some level of trust. But, the matter gets really complicated with respect […]