Ask, Seek, And Knock

Must Know Bible Basics

Jesus made such a great declaration about how we should pray to God while teaching on the mount concerning various vital subjects about the kingdom of God in the 7th chapter of the book of Matthew. This passage has actually become one of the most used passages when it comes down to being strategic in […]

Be Still Before The LORD And Wait Patiently For Him

Must Know Bible Basics

Why the wicked are prospering while the righteous are struggling to even get by? Have you ever asked yourself that puzzling question? It’s quite interesting to realize that most of the wealth in this world is piled up into the hands of the wicked. Have you ever wondered why the work of the Lord is struggling when […]

Be Still And Know That I’m God

Must Know Bible Basics

If there’s one of the most comforting chapters out of the Word of God that we can turn to in the midst of life’s trials, it would be Psalms 46. To a large degree, bad circumstances in this life are unavoidable. In many cases, you don’t have to invite one upon your life in order […]

Sin Destroys Man’s Dependence On God

Must Know Bible Basics

After the fall of Adam and Eve, the human race find themselves in a huge mess dealing with the massive implications that come along with that particular disobedience. When Adam and Eve were brought into this world, they were sinless before God, which means that they were perfect in every way. In fact, they had […]

All Things Are Possible If You Believe

Must Know Bible Basics

There is a seemingly bizarre story recorded in the Bible within the book of Mark chapter 9, which describes a young boy who was possessed by a mute demonic spirit since he was a child. It was a highly dangerous form of demonic possession which had threatened his entire life. Based on the account of that […]

3 Critical Elements That Sustain Faith

Must Know Bible Basics

Faith is constituted of several vital substances. First, faith is connected to God’s grace bestowed upon mankind through Christ (John 1:14; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Titus 3:5). That’s the very starting point of faith. When we’re exercising faith in God, we have to believe that whatever we need from Him had already been fulfilled through His Son […]

What Did Christ Mean By Saying You Must Hate Your Own Family?

Must Know Bible Basics

There’s in fact a number of seemingly bizarre statements that Christ made during His earthly ministries that sound very unhuman and unreasonable. That’s why those who are unsaved who cannot grasp what Christ truly meant label Him as an extremist, or someone who has lost touch with reality. While these statements may not make any sense at […]

The Fruit Of True Confession Of Sin Is Repentance

Must Know Bible Basics

First, confession of sin is based on acknowledging that you’ve done evil in the eyes of God by seeking His forgiveness. The essence of confession is the demolition of pride, arrogance, and dishonesty which are the very barrier to acknowledgment of wrongness. We need to understand that the most significant aspect concerning confession hinges on how we […]

Faith Pleases God More Than Obedience

Must Know Bible Basics

Hebrews chapter 11 is widely known as the great faith chapter because it gives us marvelous examples of how Old Testament people exercised their faith in God and were blessed tremendously for it. However, before it goes on to give us the “faith list,” God gives us an admonition by telling us that faith is […]