Getting Into The Heart Of The Unpredictable Nature Of Porn

Porn Addiction /

Porn addiction is so insidious by nature, it may become extremely challenging to effectively track down all the scenarios by which you might be tempted to indulge in.

That’s why you’ll surely need a strategic plan that encompasses every situation that you might possibly find yourself in.

The very factors influencing this behavior tend to evolve from to time depending on the circumstances that have surfaced.

What has triggered you in a given situation may not be the same thing that will trigger you in another situation

Just think about that for a while.

Even though you didn’t initially have any desire at all to participate in this behavior at some point, thus your mind was completely free of any intent to do so, but all could be changed at any given moment by getting hit by a craving coming just out of nowhere.

The strange reality of addiction is that you cannot predict precisely when a craving will strike. It can strike while trying to focus on the things that matter in life.

It can even hit you at your very best moment while trying to seriously consider the obvious need to change your life for the better by putting this habit making life miserable behind you.

Therefore, while going through that pivotal period in which you’re trying to align your desires with that need to live an addiction free life by wanting nothing to do with porn after all, a craving can corner you into such a terrible situation until your willingness to act continuously on that desire for change is either weakened, subdued, reversed, or postponed.

As you can see, that showcases the unpredictable nature of porn addiction.

I’m quite certain that you’ve already come up with various types of strategies on the ground of the countless defeats you’ve experienced in order to counter future temptations.

But the big issue stems from the fact that you’ve been failing quite miserably when it comes down to actually using them at the most critical times

To put it within perspective, this issue has been defeating you everywhere and anytime even in your own territory while having a strategic plan at hand.

That’s the confusing reality of porn addiction. There are several major factors that could explain these failures.

Many times, you knew exactly what to do in these situations to keep you from falling back, but you just didn’t feel the need to apply these strategies due to how sensitized and emotionally attached you became toward acting out accordingly.

Applying them didn’t seem to make much sense to you at the moment. You didn’t feel like applying them.

The pressure of the moment won you over.

It could be that you’ve found yourself dealing with different types of scenarios which rendered these strategies being developed on past relapses ineffective and unusable.

It could be that you just rushed through the process by giving in without even taking time to think things through.

Most importantly, the problem could also stem from a lack of knowledge concerning how to properly deal with the pressuring influence of cravings.

Having the right knowledge isn’t just power, it’s your protection against the deceitful nature of porn addiction.

Nevertheless, the big issue here is that in this type of scenario, you often come to the realization that you had a game plan intended to keep you from succumbing way after giving in. Then shame, guilt, regret, frustration, or discouragement follows suit.

Many times when watching porn, you had plenty of time ahead of you to watch a particular scene if you wanted to. That scene was featured among the list of scenes related to the ones you were watching, but you weren’t that interested in it at that moment because your interest was preoccupied by other scenes. That scene being referred to didn’t matter to you at that moment.

However, the problem is that very scene which you had no interest in could well end up becoming the motivating factor that pushes you to indulge in this habit sooner or later.

For instance, when a craving hits you, that very scene may suddenly come up at the forefront of your mind to provide such powerful desire context according to which you should act.

You’ll feel a desperate need to go and watch that scene while you were not even interested in it when you had plenty time to have done so.

You had plenty of time to do everything you should have done within the flesh to satisfy its urges, but it’s still not enough because the insatiable thirst of the flesh is renewed every once a while.

It seems like there’s some form of deceitful intelligence mechanism at work at the core foundation of that addiction trumping your very best efforts. It doesn’t matter what you do, you are still being outsmarted by that issue in a big way.

The most bizarre aspect of your relapses is that you didn’t wake up these days with the intent of wanting to fall back.

I had been in that very same situation as you have been, trying to come up with all types of strategies that we won’t even use when needing them the most.

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