The Best Ways To Learn How To Trust God

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Living for God implies having an intimate relationship with Him through Christ. In fact, that’s the foremost reason that we’re made for unlike other creations. Having said that, trust is the essence of relationship. The point is that there cannot be any relationship without at least some level of trust. But, the matter gets really complicated with respect to our relationship with God because He’s asking us to trust Him in such a manner that compels us to rise above our own human understanding, conception, weaknesses, reasoning, emotions, and feelings. In other words, the very things that are counterproductive to faith.

The Christian life is a way of life through which as children of the Most high God should not allow life’s circumstances to get the most of us, irrespective of how terrifying they may look apparently by depending on God’s providence and grace. We should not place our total trust into things that have no eternal significance by setting our minds on the things above (Colossians 3:2).

So we make setting our minds on the things above become a daily habit. Most importantly, trust must be applied in such a way that’s consistent with whom God is. He’s an all-powerful and all-sufficient God; therefore, He’s the only One worthy of our utmost trust and dependence.

Our Human Ways Must be Laid Aside When Trusting God.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Trusting God means to look life and its challenges from a divine viewpoint instead of from just a humanistic viewpoint. The essence of our faith in God is rested wholly upon turning away from our human understanding, wisdom, and thinking by embracing in a complete manner the truths found in His Word. God’s truths must be the very things that should guide our way of thinking.

We should strive to be farsighted by not focusing excessively on how precarious a given situation is. It must always be all about what God is capable of doing in response to what we’re going through. The seriousness and severity of a dire circumstance are not absolute due to the fact that they can always be reversed by God’s power through the means of our total trust into Him. In most cases, God’s intervening power can only be unleashed when we choose to trust Him.

In all honesty, embracing God’s own divine perspective when dealing with terrifying life’s circumstances can be a very challenging thing to do. As humans, we’re subject to weaknesses due to our fallen nature. Things like anxiety, fear, worry, doubt, you name it will always surface regardless of our level of faith in God. Our instant reaction to unexpected crisis is connected to our own human feelings as well as how we perceive things in the natural realm.

Trusting God Involves a Complete Change in Our Perspective.

The issues of life tend to dominate us to the degree that we even start wondering whether God cares about what’s going on in our lives. Nevertheless, God is asking us to completely come out of our human ways by embracing His ways. Moreover, He’s asking us not to rely on our own human understanding, wisdom, ability, and effort.

How we perceive desperate life’s circumstances in the physical realm should not hold us back from ever trusting God. Bear in mind, our human conception isn’t not an accurate representation of how God operates. The seriousness of our issues have no impact on what God is able to do. By the way, we should let His Word decide how we view life’s troubles. It should not be about how we feel when a major crisis hits. It should instead be all about what God says in His Word as well as our willingness to apply faith in His Word.

Well, that physical world we’re living in undoubtedly plays a prominent role in shaping our core belief about life’s issues. However, we as believers in Christ should never allow our human conception to be limited by the picture of dreadful circumstances our sight perceives from this visible world. The invisible world is way more real and powerful than the visible world. The visible world is just an extraction of the invisible world (Hebrews 11:3). Therefore, the invisible world dominates the visible one. And both our hope and faith are placed in the invisible God who dwells in the unseen world.

Trusting God implies a change of attitude toward our reaction with respect to our constant struggles as well as how we see life. Trusting God is faith in action. We have to depend completely on His faithfulness along with His ability to provide and meet all our needs. It also means that it doesn’t matter how frightening things look on the surface, but we should strive to enter into a realm deeper and greater than us by believing that God is working on our behalf right now even if we don’t see any visible manifestations. Most importantly, God’s divine presence around us and within us is far more real than those around us in the midst of hardships contrary to what our fallen nature wants us to believe that’s God is far away from us, or God has completely abandoned us. 

We must believe that He cares about every aspect of our lives. What we often fail to realize is that God cares about us far more than we care about ourselves. If He can save us from eternal damnation through Christ, what else cannot He do for us? That’s exactly what it means to live by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). The other things that we need from God are pale in comparison to the salvation He has given us. Trusting God is what holds us steady in the midst of difficult times. Additionally, that’s the core foundation of our joy, peace, confidence, strength, hope, security and certainty about the future, and so on. 

Who God is Must be The Foundation of Our Trust.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

Brothers and sisters, we’re serving an all-powerful and all-sufficient God. Humanly speaking, once something is impossible, it’s something that’s beyond our reach. As a result, there’s nothing that we can do within our limited human ability and effort to attain something that finds itself within the realm of impossibility. When such word is pronounced in response to an unpleasant situation, it accompanies words like discouragement, hopelessness, uncertainty, stop trying, fear, panic, worry, and so forth. Consequently, we then force ourselves to accept the current situation just as it is. Nevertheless, we’ll look at it from a divine perspective because that’s what matter.

From Jesus’ own statement, we’ll try to explore in full depth God’s power and greatness in response to things that are impossible for us. First, the word impossibility is not even in God’s vocabulary. He’s not only the God of the impossible, He’s the God who is operating infinitely above impossibility. He has absolute control over impossibility unlike us. He’s the only One able to bring impossibility under subjection to His authority because of His total dominion and control over everything. Therefore, impossibility has no hold on Him at all.

The God whom we’re serving is the God who can turn impossibilities to possibilities, curses to blessings, suffering to joy, misery to bliss, poverty to prosperity, hopelessness into hope, misfortunes into experiences that help us grow stronger in Christ, you name it. He’s the God who is able to make ways where there seems to be no way. He’s the God who was able to turn our lives that were like a desolate land because of sins into a cultivated land that can produce good fruit for His own glory. Lastly, He’s also the God who can turn around your current life’s circumstances that you’re struggling with when they are at their worst stage. Why can’t we trust the God of the Bible as He wants us to do so?

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