Let Us Surrender Everything To Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

Prior to being saved, we were living a lifestyle where anything goes. As a result, we didn’t care about the fact that Christ came and laid down His life on behalf of humanity in order to offer them both forgiveness and salvation. We were so blinded to the extent that where we were going to […]

The Type Of Unwavering Faith That Pleases God

Must Know Bible Basics

As significant faith is in the life of a believer in Christ, its usefulness and significance are based on the trustworthiness of its source. In fact, anybody has the capability of exercising faith in a wide host of things. Surprisingly, faith is something that’s being exercised daily either consciously or unconsciously by many individuals whether they […]

Without Jesus Christ There Is No Hope For Mankind

Must Know Bible Basics

As people who are made in the image of the Almighty God are made to be dependent on Him through a genuine relationship. Sadly, it’s not the case at all for many due to men’s fallen nature, and how they normally choose to live their lives. Despite many have been exposed to the message of the […]

Christ Has Promised His Disciples Another Advocate

Must Know Bible Basics

2,000 years ago, Christ came down to this earth with a very important mission. It’s such a decisive mission that the future and hope of humanity would be determined by it. Christ’s ultimate purpose was to reconcile mankind back to God by abolishing that unbridgeable gap that had long existed between both God and mankind […]

The Importance Of Faith In Our Lives

Must Know Bible Basics

Faith is one of the vital tenets out of Christianity. It is a powerful element that connects and welds us to God in such a manner that goes far beyond our own human comprehension. Our faith in God is the very thing that holds us steady and keeps us safe from the terrifying storms of […]

Stop Being Deceived By The Enemy Through Temptation

Must Know Bible Basics

From a biblical standpoint, temptation is based entirely on lies and deceptions of Satan. It’s something intended primarily to twist our viewpoints, our emotions, along with our feelings regarding things that are way off limit irrespective of how abhorrent they are to God. Although, temptation can be quite powerful and impulsive, but it’s not sufficient […]

A Critical Call By God To Holy Living

Must Know Bible Basics

Holy living is something that must play an extremely important role in the life of every believer in Christ. Holiness is the tenet that creates a clear distinction between those who are in Christ and those who are not. It’s also a way of living that’s quite common all throughout the Bible with respect to those […]

Be Joyful In Hope Patient In Affliction Faithful In Prayer

Must Know Bible Basics

In (Romans 12:12) Apostle Paul has given a brief summary of what the Christian walk is all about. It’s important for us to realize that Christ’s death and resurrection possess two critical aspects. The first aspect deals with the current life we have, and the second one has to do with the next life that we’ll inherit from […]

Do Not Be Anxious About Anything

Must Know Bible Basics

As humans, we have certain feelings that are very hard to get them under control since they are part of ourselves. At the same time, the Christian life we have to live cannot be lived in a victorious, peaceful, joyful, and fulfilling manner without bringing them under subjection. Keep in mind, the Christian life is […]