Let’s Place Our Trust In God No Matter What Happens

Must Know Bible Basics

According to Yourdictionary.com trust is defined as confidence in the honesty or integrity of a person or thing. Trust is undoubtedly a substance that’s extremely significant due to the fact that it’s connected directly to a person’s own character, reputation, integrity, reliability, along with ability. As a matter of fact, there cannot be any form of […]

Be Joyful In Hope Patient In Affliction Faithful In Prayer

Must Know Bible Basics

In (Romans 12:12) Apostle Paul has given a brief summary of what the Christian walk is all about. It’s important for us to realize that Christ’s death and resurrection possess two critical aspects. The first aspect deals with the current life we have, and the second one has to do with the next life that we’ll inherit from […]

Do Not Be Anxious About Anything

Must Know Bible Basics

As humans, we have certain feelings that are very hard to get them under control since they are part of ourselves. At the same time, the Christian life we have to live cannot be lived in a victorious, peaceful, joyful, and fulfilling manner without bringing them under subjection. Keep in mind, the Christian life is […]

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

Must Know Bible Basics

When thinking deeply on this powerful verse, it plainly highlights the fact that the Christian life we’re to live is not ours but Christ’s. It’s a type of life which foundation is rested entirely on the person of Christ having His ways in us. Even if that God has promised us in His infallible Word […]

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love

Must Know Bible Basics

Love is one of the utmost themes recorded in the Word of God. Christ has commanded us to love each other in the same manner that He has loved us according to (John 15:12). God is in fact the source of love; in other words, He’s love by nature (1 John 4:8). Furthermore, He has shared […]

How To Pray To God

Must Know Bible Basics

Prayer is an integral part of the Christian faith. It’s something that we must set aside quality amount of time for it. Prayer is us talking to God concerning our needs, wants, or anything that we’re struggling with that’s beyond our control. If God demands us to do something, it’s because it’s of great importance. […]

If Anyone Is In Christ He Is A New Creation

Must Know Bible Basics

(2 Corinthians 5:17) is the most powerful and summarizing verse out of the Word of God that refers to the total transformation that must occur when someone is in Christ. This life-changing transformation is so critical due the fact that it’s exactly what will prove that a person is truly in Christ.