Victory Over Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

We’re currently living in a time and age where so many individuals simply choose to live their lives as people who’re totally careless about the fact that they will spend their eternity somewhere. To put it differently, they just want to live their lives however they like regardless of what God says in His Word, along […]

The Reason Why We Should Kill Sin In Our Lives

Must Know Bible Basics

Sin is a deadly cancer that is eating men up on the inside, which means that if it’s not taken care of before it’s too late it will ultimately lead to eternal damnation. Sin also places men in an abhorrent state that alienates and separates them from God eternally. The way it all works out […]

The Richness Of God’s Grace

Must Know Bible Basics

If there would be a major component of the Christian faith that encompasses all precious things that we find in Christ, it would undoubtedly be God’s grace. Every aspect of the Christian life is rested solely on God’s grace poured out to us. To put it differently, His grace covers every perimeter of our lives, and […]

The Importance Of Faith In Our Lives

Must Know Bible Basics

Faith is one of the vital tenets out of Christianity. It is a powerful element that connects and welds us to God in such a manner that goes far beyond our own human comprehension. Our faith in God is the very thing that holds us steady and keeps us safe from the terrifying storms of […]

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

Must Know Bible Basics

When thinking deeply on this powerful verse, it plainly highlights the fact that the Christian life we’re to live is not ours but Christ’s. It’s a type of life which foundation is rested entirely on the person of Christ having His ways in us. Even if that God has promised us in His infallible Word […]

Let All That You Do Be Done In Love

Must Know Bible Basics

Love is one of the utmost themes recorded in the Word of God. Christ has commanded us to love each other in the same manner that He has loved us according to (John 15:12). God is in fact the source of love; in other words, He’s love by nature (1 John 4:8). Furthermore, He has shared […]

We Must Not Abuse The Grace Of God

Must Know Bible Basics

Grace is defined as unmerited or undeserved favor. In order for grace to be able to make sense by itself, the recipient must have been in dire need of it. The truth is that grace has totally nothing to do with the one who receives it in the sense of that person’s merit. Instead, it’s […]

The Biblical Characteristics Of Love

Must Know Bible Basics

Within the Word of God, there’s a form of love that extends far beyond the scope of romantic love or sexual love, and close friendship or brotherly love. This love is known by the Greek term as “Agape”. God is the only One who possesses this kind of love due to the fact that He’s love […]