How Christ Can Be Rejected

Must Know Bible Basics

Well, if we sincerely take the Word of God at face value, we can clearly see that our persistent willingness to obey and follow thoroughly God’s commandments is extremely important. Besides, there are unimaginable rewards that await those who do God’s will, and eternal punishment that will eventually befall those who live their lives in […]

Let Us Surrender Everything To Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

Prior to being saved, we were living a lifestyle where anything goes. As a result, we didn’t care about the fact that Christ came and laid down His life on behalf of humanity in order to offer them both forgiveness and salvation. We were so blinded to the extent that where we were going to […]

A Critical Call By God To Holy Living

Must Know Bible Basics

Holy living is something that must play an extremely important role in the life of every believer in Christ. Holiness is the tenet that creates a clear distinction between those who are in Christ and those who are not. It’s also a way of living that’s quite common all throughout the Bible with respect to those […]

The Fall And The Rise Of Humanity

Must Know Bible Basics

God has made the human race in His own image according to the account of (Genesis 1:26). What does it mean to be made in the image of God? The first thing to remember is that God is spirit (John 4:24) while we are both physical and spiritual being. God formed man out of the […]

Why Christ Had To Rise Again

Must Know Bible Basics

Christ’s death is one the major events that took place during the history of humanity that’s often talked about a lot because of its overwhelming importance, especially in the Christians circles. While there’s no word that can express fully how important Christ’s death is, but His resurrection is far more important than His death.

How To Successfully Live A Spirit Filled Life

Must Know Bible Basics

According to the Word of God, there are just two ways that men can live their lives. They can either live according to the flesh by following their own carnal nature, or live according to the Spirit of God by putting under control the insatiable desires of the flesh. In fact, the unregenerate person is very sensitive […]

Jesus Wants To Transform You To Be Like Him

Must Know Bible Basics

“The Revelation of St. John the Divine” (Title to the book of Revelation). We are often used to referring to books of the bible by the name of the book rather than its full title. For example, we will say “I read from the book of John today for my devotion,” rather than saying “I read […]

A Holy And Righteous Life Is Satan’s Greatest Bottleneck

Must Know Bible Basics

As followers of Christ, we’re called by God Almighty to lead holy and righteous lives for His own glory (1 Thessalonians 4:7). A holy and righteous life is a form of life that epitomizes the very nature and character of God Himself (1 Peter 1:15; Psalms 145:17). By His divine power, He has given us everything we […]

When Will You Ever Be Ready To Accept Jesus Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

There’s something that many people who haven’t yet accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord are always saying when offered the Gospel. What is it? Do you want to know exactly what it is? Well, I’m not READY yet, or I don’t really feel that I’m in a state of READINESS to follow Him.