Why People Succumb To Habitual Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

Habitual sin can be quite problematic if not dealt with thoroughly. Why? Because it programs the mind to think deceptively, destructively, and selfishly, which in turn compels people to keep on doing the same old thing over and over, thus worsening the problem.

Born Again In Proper Perspective

Must Know Bible Basics

Being born again as Jesus stated during His momentous conversation with Nicodemus, a highly religious and unsaved man is such a gigantic biblical concept (John 3:3). Being born again is a total transformation that takes unregenerated sinners out of the kingdom of darkness by conforming them to the values and principles of the glorious Kingdom […]

What It Means To Be Filled By The Holy Spirit

Must Know Bible Basics

It’s quite easy for believers to misunderstand the filling of the Holy Spirit in their lives, which isn’t really a serious problem as long as their intent is right. That misunderstanding stems hugely from the belief that it’s possible for them to be infused with more or greater measure of the Holy Spirit in the […]