Victory Over Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

We’re currently living in a time and age where so many individuals simply choose to live their lives as people who’re totally careless about the fact that they will spend their eternity somewhere. To put it differently, they just want to live their lives however they like regardless of what God says in His Word, along […]

The Reason Why We Should Kill Sin In Our Lives

Must Know Bible Basics

Sin is a deadly cancer that is eating men up on the inside, which means that if it’s not taken care of before it’s too late it will ultimately lead to eternal damnation. Sin also places men in an abhorrent state that alienates and separates them from God eternally. The way it all works out […]

The Fruit Of True Confession Of Sin Is Repentance

Must Know Bible Basics

First, confession of sin is based on acknowledging that you’ve done evil in the eyes of God by seeking His forgiveness. The essence of confession is the demolition of pride, arrogance, and dishonesty which are the very barrier to acknowledgment of wrongness. We need to understand that the most significant aspect concerning confession hinges on how we […]