Victory Over Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

We’re currently living in a time and age where so many individuals simply choose to live their lives as people who’re totally careless about the fact that they will spend their eternity somewhere. To put it differently, they just want to live their lives however they like regardless of what God says in His Word, along […]

How To Successfully Live A Spirit Filled Life

Must Know Bible Basics

According to the Word of God, there are just two ways that men can live their lives. They can either live according to the flesh by following their own carnal nature, or live according to the Spirit of God by putting under control the insatiable desires of the flesh. In fact, the unregenerate person is very sensitive […]

A Holy And Righteous Life Is Satan’s Greatest Bottleneck

Must Know Bible Basics

As followers of Christ, we’re called by God Almighty to lead holy and righteous lives for His own glory (1 Thessalonians 4:7). A holy and righteous life is a form of life that epitomizes the very nature and character of God Himself (1 Peter 1:15; Psalms 145:17). By His divine power, He has given us everything we […]