Faith Pleases God More Than Obedience

Must Know Bible Basics

Hebrews chapter 11 is widely known as the great faith chapter because it gives us marvelous examples of how Old Testament people exercised their faith in God and were blessed tremendously for it. However, before it goes on to give us the “faith list,” God gives us an admonition by telling us that faith is […]

Why Does Satan Hate Humanity So Much?

Must Know Bible Basics

Shortly after Lucifer, along with one-third of the angelic hosts were kicked out of heaven because of rebellion, something quite unusual took place at that very moment. Their expulsion from heaven simply means a harsh rejection from God due to their arrogance and pride. Since they were rejected by God, their holiness, perfection, as well as […]

God Wants Us To Be Responsible

Must Know Bible Basics

We as humans are made to serve our Maker by obediently carrying out whatever task He has entrusted us with. Serving implies responsibility, so that’s where our responsibility to God comes heavily into play. The core foundation of how God operates is laid upon responsibility with respect to His creation who have the ability to […]

The Relationship Between Spirit, Soul, And Body

Must Know Bible Basics

As human beings, we are made of three vital elements. These three elements are known as spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Man has two major aspects that define whom he really is. The first one is the spiritual or immaterial aspect, and the second one is the physical or material aspect. Two out of those three […]

The Greatness Of God Revealed Through Man

Must Know Bible Basics

The life of man is a huge mystery of God. Many find themselves living while having no idea where their lives came from. They are taking for granted daily the very God-given resources that sustain their lives without acknowledging how great their Creator is. Many try to come up with theory such as evolution in order […]

The Reestablishment Of The Kingdom Of God Through Jesus

Must Know Bible Basics

It’s quite notable that the Kingdom of God located in the heavenly realm is something that Jesus had a lot to say about during His earthly ministries. He came primarily to reveal it to humanity who was lost in their sins under the pervasive dominion of the kingdom of darkness. The core foundation of His […]

When Will You Ever Be Ready To Accept Jesus Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

There’s something that many people who haven’t yet accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord are always saying when offered the Gospel. What is it? Do you want to know exactly what it is? Well, I’m not READY yet, or I don’t really feel that I’m in a state of READINESS to follow Him.

Why People Succumb To Habitual Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

Habitual sin can be quite problematic if not dealt with thoroughly. Why? Because it programs the mind to think deceptively, destructively, and selfishly, which in turn compels people to keep on doing the same old thing over and over, thus worsening the problem.

What It Means To Be Filled By The Holy Spirit

Must Know Bible Basics

It’s quite easy for believers to misunderstand the filling of the Holy Spirit in their lives, which isn’t really a serious problem as long as their intent is right. That misunderstanding stems hugely from the belief that it’s possible for them to be infused with more or greater measure of the Holy Spirit in the […]