10 Ideal Ways To Respond To Your Sinful Voice

Must Know Bible Basics

Our mind is known as an open battlefield. As a result, it’s the very thing that we have to place a great of emphasis on with respect to spiritual warfare due to the fact that how we deal with it will decide whether we’ll fall into the trap of the enemy or not. In fact, […]

How To Successfully Live A Spirit Filled Life

Must Know Bible Basics

According to the Word of God, there are just two ways that men can live their lives. They can either live according to the flesh by following their own carnal nature, or live according to the Spirit of God by putting under control the insatiable desires of the flesh. In fact, the unregenerate person is very sensitive […]

Why Does Satan Hate Humanity So Much?

Must Know Bible Basics

Shortly after Lucifer, along with one-third of the angelic hosts were kicked out of heaven because of rebellion, something quite unusual took place at that very moment. Their expulsion from heaven simply means a harsh rejection from God due to their arrogance and pride. Since they were rejected by God, their holiness, perfection, as well as […]

A Holy And Righteous Life Is Satan’s Greatest Bottleneck

Must Know Bible Basics

As followers of Christ, we’re called by God Almighty to lead holy and righteous lives for His own glory (1 Thessalonians 4:7). A holy and righteous life is a form of life that epitomizes the very nature and character of God Himself (1 Peter 1:15; Psalms 145:17). By His divine power, He has given us everything we […]

The Fall Of Lucifer In Perspective

Must Know Bible Basics

It’s mind-numbing to even consider that Lucifer actually believed that it was possible for him as a created being to dethrone the Creator while his entire existence was totally dependent on the Creator. He didn’t ask to be created, but God the Creator in His sovereign will has chosen to bring him into existence. So his existence was nothing […]

When Will You Ever Be Ready To Accept Jesus Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

There’s something that many people who haven’t yet accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord are always saying when offered the Gospel. What is it? Do you want to know exactly what it is? Well, I’m not READY yet, or I don’t really feel that I’m in a state of READINESS to follow Him.

Why People Succumb To Habitual Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

Habitual sin can be quite problematic if not dealt with thoroughly. Why? Because it programs the mind to think deceptively, destructively, and selfishly, which in turn compels people to keep on doing the same old thing over and over, thus worsening the problem.

Born Again In Proper Perspective

Must Know Bible Basics

Being born again as Jesus stated during His momentous conversation with Nicodemus, a highly religious and unsaved man is such a gigantic biblical concept (John 3:3). Being born again is a total transformation that takes unregenerated sinners out of the kingdom of darkness by conforming them to the values and principles of the glorious Kingdom […]