Bible Basics

Must Know Bible Basics

As you already know nothing good or valuable in this life comes easy as a matter of life’s principle. No matter what you would like to achieve in this life will always come with a lot of difficulties, headaches, challenges, and sacrifices. Most importantly, you cannot just wish anything you would like to accomplish into […]

God’s Words Endure Forever

Must Know Bible Basics

Christians today face a variety of teachings on the Word of God. Frequently, this teaching consists of attempting to cast doubt on the authority and truthfulness of God’s Word. When a person first gets saved, it is extremely easy to convince him the bible is the Word of God and that it is inerrant, or […]

Every Word Of God Is Pure

Must Know Bible Basics

God is the source of all truth, purity, holiness, and perfection. So His Word is a direct reflection of whom He is along with how He operates. The Word is the very means through which God reveals Himself, and His ways to mankind. The Word is what gives us some clear insights regarding what’s happening […]

Be Still And Know That I’m God

Must Know Bible Basics

If there’s one of the most comforting chapters out of the Word of God that we can turn to in the midst of life’s trials, it would be Psalms 46. To a large degree, bad circumstances in this life are unavoidable. In many cases, you don’t have to invite one upon your life in order […]

Keeping Your Faith High In The Midst Of Bad Times

Must Know Bible Basics

Have you ever felt like when going through life’s trials that you’ve been abandoned completely by God? Have you ever felt like there’s a huge wall erected between God and you in the context of Him not seem to be able to listen to your prayer requests? Have you ever felt like you’re struggling all […]