Only Jesus Christ Can Fill Us Up

Must Know Bible Basics

God has made us for the sole purpose of totally depending on Him, serving Him, having an intimate relationship with Him, doing His will, and lastly for His own glory. Our entire physical being is consisted of a non-life material called the dust of the ground. As mentioned in this post, what you really have […]

How Christ Can Be Rejected

Must Know Bible Basics

Well, if we sincerely take the Word of God at face value, we can clearly see that our persistent willingness to obey and follow thoroughly God’s commandments is extremely important. Besides, there are unimaginable rewards that await those who do God’s will, and eternal punishment that will eventually befall those who live their lives in […]

Let Us Surrender Everything To Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

Prior to being saved, we were living a lifestyle where anything goes. As a result, we didn’t care about the fact that Christ came and laid down His life on behalf of humanity in order to offer them both forgiveness and salvation. We were so blinded to the extent that where we were going to […]

Without Jesus Christ There Is No Hope For Mankind

Must Know Bible Basics

As people who are made in the image of the Almighty God are made to be dependent on Him through a genuine relationship. Sadly, it’s not the case at all for many due to men’s fallen nature, and how they normally choose to live their lives. Despite many have been exposed to the message of the […]

Stop Being Deceived By The Enemy Through Temptation

Must Know Bible Basics

From a biblical standpoint, temptation is based entirely on lies and deceptions of Satan. It’s something intended primarily to twist our viewpoints, our emotions, along with our feelings regarding things that are way off limit irrespective of how abhorrent they are to God. Although, temptation can be quite powerful and impulsive, but it’s not sufficient […]

The Judgement Of God Against Lawlessness

Must Know Bible Basics

We’re currently living in a society which is increasingly becoming anti-God and anti-biblical morality. The agenda is to kick God out of every aspect of society, so that people can just do whatever they want without having to deal with the warnings of judgement that will befall unrepentant sinners. So the way things are being conducted nowadays truly demonstrates how effective […]

What Does It Truly Mean To Be Born Again

Must Know Bible Basics

From a biblical perspective, everyone who has come into this wicked world, came disconnected with God. That disconnection is tantamount to spiritual death. In fact, that is a direct result of the sinful nature that we’ve inherited. Keep in mind, as humans, we have two key aspects that make up our whole being: a physical aspect, […]

The Fall And The Rise Of Humanity

Must Know Bible Basics

God has made the human race in His own image according to the account of (Genesis 1:26). What does it mean to be made in the image of God? The first thing to remember is that God is spirit (John 4:24) while we are both physical and spiritual being. God formed man out of the […]

Why Christ Had To Rise Again

Must Know Bible Basics

Christ’s death is one the major events that took place during the history of humanity that’s often talked about a lot because of its overwhelming importance, especially in the Christians circles. While there’s no word that can express fully how important Christ’s death is, but His resurrection is far more important than His death.