If Anyone Is In Christ He Is A New Creation

Must Know Bible Basics

(2 Corinthians 5:17) is the most powerful and summarizing verse out of the Word of God that refers to the total transformation that must occur when someone is in Christ. This life-changing transformation is so critical due the fact that it’s exactly what will prove that a person is truly in Christ. 

The Massive Hypocrisy That Surrounds Don’t Judge People

Must Know Bible Basics

Sin which is a product of rebellion against God has always been the leading problem that has been bringing utter destruction to humanity as a whole in various aspects of life since after the fall of humankind due to its massive implications. It’s the main cause of all the problems humanity is struggling with. Sin is very […]

Sin Destroys Man’s Dependence On God

Must Know Bible Basics

After the fall of Adam and Eve, the human race find themselves in a huge mess dealing with the massive implications that come along with that particular disobedience. When Adam and Eve were brought into this world, they were sinless before God, which means that they were perfect in every way. In fact, they had […]

The Fruit Of True Confession Of Sin Is Repentance

Must Know Bible Basics

First, confession of sin is based on acknowledging that you’ve done evil in the eyes of God by seeking His forgiveness. The essence of confession is the demolition of pride, arrogance, and dishonesty which are the very barrier to acknowledgment of wrongness. We need to understand that the most significant aspect concerning confession hinges on how we […]

God Wants Us To Be Responsible

Must Know Bible Basics

We as humans are made to serve our Maker by obediently carrying out whatever task He has entrusted us with. Serving implies responsibility, so that’s where our responsibility to God comes heavily into play. The core foundation of how God operates is laid upon responsibility with respect to His creation who have the ability to […]

The Biblical Characteristics Of Love

Must Know Bible Basics

Within the Word of God, there’s a form of love that extends far beyond the scope of romantic love or sexual love, and close friendship or brotherly love. This love is known by the Greek term as “Agape”. God is the only One who possesses this kind of love due to the fact that He’s love […]

The Greatness Of God Revealed Through Man

Must Know Bible Basics

The life of man is a huge mystery of God. Many find themselves living while having no idea where their lives came from. They are taking for granted daily the very God-given resources that sustain their lives without acknowledging how great their Creator is. Many try to come up with theory such as evolution in order […]

When Will You Ever Be Ready To Accept Jesus Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

There’s something that many people who haven’t yet accepted Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord are always saying when offered the Gospel. What is it? Do you want to know exactly what it is? Well, I’m not READY yet, or I don’t really feel that I’m in a state of READINESS to follow Him.

Why People Succumb To Habitual Sin

Must Know Bible Basics

Habitual sin can be quite problematic if not dealt with thoroughly. Why? Because it programs the mind to think deceptively, destructively, and selfishly, which in turn compels people to keep on doing the same old thing over and over, thus worsening the problem.