What Does It Really Mean To Live For Christ Alone?

Must Know Bible Basics

We don’t become Christian in order to just identify ourselves only with that title while still unwilling to detach ourselves completely from our old selves, our old ways, and this wicked world. The Christian life is not based on what we want to do according to our own human ways. In order words, living in […]

Let Us Surrender Everything To Christ

Must Know Bible Basics

Prior to being saved, we were living a lifestyle where anything goes. As a result, we didn’t care about the fact that Christ came and laid down His life on behalf of humanity in order to offer them both forgiveness and salvation. We were so blinded to the extent that where we were going to […]

Ask, Seek, And Knock

Must Know Bible Basics

Jesus made such a great declaration about how we should pray to God while teaching on the mount concerning various vital subjects about the kingdom of God in the 7th chapter of the book of Matthew. This passage has actually become one of the most used passages when it comes down to being strategic in […]

We Must Not Abuse The Grace Of God

Must Know Bible Basics

Grace is defined as unmerited or undeserved favor. In order for grace to be able to make sense by itself, the recipient must have been in dire need of it. The truth is that grace has totally nothing to do with the one who receives it in the sense of that person’s merit. Instead, it’s […]