Be Joyful In Hope Patient In Affliction Faithful In Prayer

Must Know Bible Basics

In (Romans 12:12) Apostle Paul has given a brief summary of what the Christian walk is all about. It’s important for us to realize that Christ’s death and resurrection possess two critical aspects. The first aspect deals with the current life we have, and the second one has to do with the next life that we’ll inherit from […]

The Lord Is My Strength

Must Know Bible Basics

The book of Habakkuk is known as one of the shortest books found in the entire Word of God. This book contains only 3 chapters. That book is also classified as an oracle by the prophet Habakkuk which was written somewhere between 610 and 605 B.C. What is quite captivating about that book is the prophet’s complaints against […]

Jesus Being Comforted By An Angel In The Garden Of Gethsemane

Must Know Bible Basics

Christ spent His last moment prior to His death in the Garden of Gethsemane where He literally poured out Himself to God the Father through His most earnest prayer He had ever prayed during His earthly ministry. It was the exact time Christ was thinking profoundly concerning the intense suffering along with humiliation that had lied […]